☎  0465-22-4951 (9:00 - 18:00 )         1万円以上送料無料

Chinriu Honten

Chinriu Honten Logo
Japan Export

List of Our International Distributors

We are in the process of setting up a network of distributors to sell our products internationally.

In some countries we work with separate distributors for our food and alcoholic beverages, in order to comply with local regulations.

Please feel free to contact our distributors directly. If you are interested in becoming our distributor please contact our international sales.


Food Connection GmbH

Siemensstrasse 2

21465 Reinbek

Tel.: 040-638569790

Fax: 040-638569799

Mail: info@foodconnect.de


For alcoholic beverages

JB Trade UG

Montgelasstrasse 33 

81679 München

Tel: 089 / 215 545 20

Mail: info@jwhisky.de
